Editorial Perspective: Defining neurofeedback and its functional processes


  • Rex L. Cannon




neurofeedback, operant conditioning, operant learning, self-regulation, neuroplasticity, neural efficiency, neuromodulation


Neurofeedback is gaining widespread attention across clinical and research domains.  As our knowledge of the brain and its enigmatic mechanisms increase, so does the interest in harnessing these mechanisms to promote improved mental processes and reduce symptomatic issues.  Neuroscience advances and neurofeedback will continue to evolve into a primary focus for learning, performance, and reduction of symptoms in psychopathology.  Likewise, electroencephalographic (EEG) and source localization techniques will improve our understanding and identification of biomarker EEG patterns to better identify and ultimately classify specific patterns associated with psychological and neurological syndromes.  As technology and production of devices become more prevalent, there is a growing need to define the parameters used in neurofeedback, as well as to classify the processes into specific or nonspecific factors to avoid further confounds and problems across disciplines.


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