Treating Post Chemotherapy Symptoms with Neurofeedback


  • Robert Earl Longo Serendipity
  • David Helfand



Neurofeedback, Cancer, Chemotherapy, Case Study


Treatment for cancer often involves surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation. As a result of these interventions, studies have found that patients often experience prolonged side effects posttreatment. This case study focuses on a 62-year-old woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery and chemotherapy. The patient was treated with 30 sessions of neurofeedback over the course of 2 weeks. Utilizing a combination of three different neurofeedback protocols, the patient reported significant improvements in cognitive and physical functioning.

Author Biography

Robert Earl Longo, Serendipity

Robert E. Longo, MRC, LPC, NCC, BCN Associate Fellow, is in private practice specializing in QEEG Brain Mapping, Biofeedback, and Neurofeedback, he is a neurofeedback clinician with Integrative Therapies in Greensboro, NC, and a contract neurofeedback clinician at Timber Ridge Treatment Center in Gold Hill, NC where he works with sexually abusive youth. He serves as a consultant, educator, trainer, and author dedicated to working with youth and sexual abuse prevention and treatment. Rob is currently on the Board of Directors for the International Society of Neurofeedback Research (ISNR); and was previously Vice President of the Southeastern Biofeedback and Clinical Neuroscience Association (formerly the North Carolina Biofeedback Society).


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