LORETA Neurofeedback at precuneus in 3-year-old female with intrauterine drug exposure


  • Rex L Cannon 1) Knoxville Neurofeedback Group 2) SPESA research Insitute
  • Whitney Strunk Knoxville Neurofeedback Group
  • Stephanie Carroll Knoxville Neurofeedback Group
  • Spencer Carroll Knoxville Neurofeedback Group




neurofeedback, EEG, LORETA neurofeedback, intrauterine drug exposure


This case study presents data for operant conditioning of alpha current source density (CSD)in a 3-year-old female that completed 20 sessions of LNFB to address sequelae associated with intrauterine drug exposure (IUDE), including explosive reactions to unfavorable activities and siblings, deficits in self-care and self-direction and reducing social deficits. One of the more difficult processes is to assess children less than 6 years of age due to extreme variability in affect, interest and focus. However, IUDE increases the range of potential problems and diagnostic confounds. This individual showed improvements across ABAS-3 ratings by parents post-training and was able to complete the K-CPT post training and at 30-day follow-up. Her data demonstrated a general increase in the desired response (alpha CSD at precuneus) across time. Additional changes were evident in the default network (DMN) and a theorized mechanism of self-regulation (SRN) post training with a significant decrease at follow-up suggesting a learning effect over time. This case study demonstrates that LNFB may produce positive effects in children under the age of 4.

Author Biography

Rex L Cannon, 1) Knoxville Neurofeedback Group 2) SPESA research Insitute



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