Language rehabilitation of TBI patient by Loreta Z score Neurofeedback


  • Farnaz Faridi Mrs
  • Hayat Ameri Associated professor of linguistics, Tarbiat modarres University, Tehran, Iran
  • Masoud Nosratabadi
  • Seyed Majid Akhavan Hejazi
  • Robert Thatcher



traumatic brain injury, loreta neurofeedback, language, working memory, attention


Traumatic brain injury (TBI), by vehicle accident creates a variety of sequelae that can be very challenging for clinicians to develop rehabilitation interventions. This case report presents an example of language rehabilitation with Loreta Z score Neurofeedback (LZNFB) for a patient suffering from TBI. The treatment protocol included 15 sessions of LZNFB, focusing on language network.  Before and after the treatment, QEEG/LORETA analysis as well as neurocognitive assessments were acquired and analyzed. Our analysis showed remarked improved language performance by LZNFB. We concluded that this method can be valid in treatment of language deficit in TBI patient. We also found that rehabilitation of language network, raised the performance of working memory and attention on this TBI patient. Therefore, language could not be separated from other cognitive performance. Rather it effects on other cognitive performances and affected by them.


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