Influence of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response on Relaxation States: An Experimental Study


  • Fathima Yusaira CHRIST (Deemed to be) University
  • Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett Department of Psychology, Christ University, Bengaluru, India



autonomous sensory meridian response, relaxation, relaxation techniques, Psychological stress, sleepiness


Multiple studies have stated that autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) induces relaxation. ASMR is defined as a static tingling-like sensation across the scalp and back of the head, experienced by some people in response to specific audio and visual triggers like tapping, whispering, and slow hand movements. This study explores the relaxation states and the stress states on which ASMR videos have the highest impact. Data from 60 college students with a mean age of 22 years and a standard deviation of 1.12 were collected for this study, among which 30 were assigned to an experimental group and 30 were assigned to a control group single blindly. The relaxation states and stress states were measured using Smith Relaxation Scale Inventory (SRSI) for the pretest and Smith Relaxation Posttest Inventory (SRPI) for the posttest. The experimental group watched an ASMR video, and the control group watched a neutral video between the pretest and posttest. SPSS version 16 was used for data analysis. The result suggested a significant increase in sleepiness after watching the ASMR video (significant difference).


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