Proceedings of the 2021 ISNR Annual Conference (Virtual): Keynote and Plenary Presentations


  • International Society of NeuroRegulation and Research (ISNR)



neurofeedback, qeeg, neuroregulation, ISNR Annual Conference


Selected Keynote and Plenary session Abstracts of Conference Presentations at the 2021 International Society for NeuroRegulation and Research (ISNR) 29th Conference, Miami, Florida, USA


--Music-Based Interventions for Cognitive and Brain Health

Loui, P. (2020). Neuroscientific insights for improved outcomes in music-based interventions. Music & Science, 3.

--Functional Neuromarkers for Psychiatry and Neurology: Applications for Diagnosis and Treatment

Kropotov, J. D. (2009). Quantitative EEG, event-related potentials and neurotherapy. London, UK: Elsevier Academic Press.

Kropotov, J. D., & Etlinger, S. C. (1999). Selection of actions in the basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuits: Review and model. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 31(3), 197–217.

Kropotov, J. D., & Ponomarev, V. A. (2009). Decomposing N2 NOGO wave of event-related potentials into independent components. NeuroReport, 20, 1592–1596.

Kropotov, J. D., & Ponomarev, V. A. (2015). Differentiation of neuronal operations in latent components of event-related potentials in delayed match-to-sample tasks. Psychophysiology, 52(6), 826–838.

Kropotov, J. D., Ponomarev, V. A., Pronina, M., & Jäncke, L. (2017). Functional indexes of reactive cognitive control: ERPs in cued go/no-go tasks. Psychophysiology, 54(12), 1899–1915.

Kropotov, J., Ponomarev, V., Tereshchenko, E. P., Müller, A., & Jäncke, L. (2016). Effect of aging on ERP components of cognitive control. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 8, 69.

Kropotov, J. D., Pronina, M. V., Ponomarev, V. A., Poliakov, Y. I., Plotnikova, I. V., & Mueller, A. (2019). Latent ERP components of cognitive dysfunctions in ADHD and schizophrenia. Clinical Neurophysiology, 130(4), 445–453.

Müller, A., Vetsch, S., Pershin, I., Candrian, G., Baschera, G.-M., Kropotov, J. D., Kasper, J., Rehim, H. A., & Eich, D. (2020). EEG/ERP-based biomarker/neuroalgorithms in adults with ADHD: Development, reliability, and application in clinical practice. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 21(3), 172–182.

Ogrim, G., & Kropotov, J. D. (2020). Event related potentials (ERPs) and other EEG based methods for extracting biomarkers of brain dysfunction: Examples from pediatric attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), 12(157).

Ogrim, G., & Kropotov, J. D. (2019). Predicting clinical gains and side effects of stimulant medication in pediatric attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder by combining measures from qEEG and ERPs in a cued go/nogo task. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 50(1), 34–43.

--Neurofeedback and Body Psychotherapy

Fotopoulou, A., & Tsakiris, M. (2017). Mentalizing homeostasis: The social origins of interoceptive inference. Neuropsychoanalysis, 19(1), 3–28.

Heller, M. C. (2012). Body psychotherapy: History, concepts, and methods. W. W. Norton & Company.

Hertenstein, M. J., Keltner, D., App, B., Bulleit, B. A., & Jaskolka, A. R. (2006). Touch communicates distinct emotions. Emotion, 6(3), 528–533.

Krahé, C., Paloyelis, Y., Condon, H., Jenkinson, P. M., Williams, S. C., & Fotopoulou, A. (2015). Attachment style moderates partner presence effects on pain: A laser-evoked potentials study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(8), 1030–1037.

Lane, R. D., & Nadel, L. (Eds.). (2020). Neuroscience of enduring change: Implication for psychotherapy. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Marlock, G., Weiss, H., Young, C., & Soth, M. (2015). The handbook of body psychotherapy and somatic psychology. North Atlantic Books.

Mittelmark, M. B., Sagy, S., Eriksson, M., Bauer, G. F., Pelikan, J. M., Lindström, B., & Espnes, G. A. (Eds.). (2017). The handbook of salutogenesis. Springer International Publishing.

Nummenmaa, L., Glerean, E., Hari, R., & Hietanen, J. K. (2014). Bodily maps of emotions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(2), 646–651.

Payne, P., Levine, P. A., & Crane-Godreau, M. A. (2015). Somatic experiencing: Using interoception and proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 93.

Proffitt, L., Steinberg, E., Bach, S., Barker, L., Rosella, S., Deniflee, U., Southwell, C., Gad, G., van Heel, C., & Shahar, Y. (2016). Biodynamic body psychotherapy: Collective papers from the 2nd Biodynamic Conference London 2014.

Stattman, J. (1987). Organic transference. Revue de Psychologie Biodynamique [Biodynamic Psychology Revue], 2–3, 179–198.

Steinberg, E. (2016). Transformative moments: Short stories from the Biodynamic Psychotherapy Room. Somatic Psychotherapy Today, 6(3), 26–34, 36-41, 99.

--Neurorehabilitation Program Using Biophoto/Electromagnetic Stimulation Wearable

Ibric, V. L., Dragomirescu, L. G., & Hudspeth, W. J. (2009). Real-time changes in connectivities during neurofeedback. Journal of Neurotherapy, 13(3),156–165.

Ibric, V. L, & Owes, M. (2015, November). Neuro-rehabilitation effectiveness: Study of the Neurodynamic-Activator™ as a standalone device. Course presented at the 41st BSC (WABN–Western Association for Biofeedback and Neuroscience) Annual Conference, Costa Mesa, CA.

Othmer, S. (2009). Neuromodulation technologies: An attempt at classification. In T. H. Budzynski, H. K. Budzynski, J. R. Evans, & A. Abarbanel (Eds.), Introduction to quantitative EEG and neurofeedback: Advanced theory and applications (2nd ed., pp. 3–27). Elsevier.

--Pilot Data on LORETA Neurofeedback for Improving Psychological and Neuroendocrine Status During Incarceration for Substance Abuse-related Offenders

Becker, W. C., Gordon, K. S., Edelman, E. J., Goulet, J. L., Kerns, R. D., Marshall, B. D. L., Fiellin, D. A., Justice, A. C., & Tate, J. P. (2020). Are we missing opioid-related deaths among people with HIV? Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 212, 108003.

Cannon, R. L., Baldwin, D. R., Diloreto, D. J., Phillips, S. T., Shaw, T. L., & Levy, J. J. (2014). LORETA neurofeedback in the Precuneus: Operant conditioning in basic mechanisms of self-regulation. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 45(4), 238–248.

Cannon, R., Congedo, M., Lubar, J., & Hutchens, T. (2009). Differentiating a network of executive attention: LORETA neurofeedback in anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices. International Journal of Neuroscience, 119(3), 404–441.

Chandler, R. K., Fletcher, B. W., & Volkow, N. D. (2009). Treating drug abuse and addiction in the criminal justice system: Improving public health and safety. JAMA, 301(2), 183–190.

Davis, G. G., Cadwallader, A. B., Fligner, C. L., Gilson, T. P., Hall, E. R., Harshbarger, K. E., Kronstrand, R., Mallak, C. T. McLemore, J. L., Middleberg, R. A., Middleton, O. L., Nelson, L. S., Rogalska, A., Tonsfeldt, E., Walterscheid, J. & Winecker, R. E. (2020). Position paper: Recommendations for the investigation, diagnosis, and certification of deaths related to opioid and other drugs. The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 41(3), 152–159.

Kim, H., & Yang, H. (2020, July). Statistical analysis of county-level contributing factors to opioid-related overdose deaths in the United States. Paper presented at Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Oluwoye, O., Kriegel, L. S., Alcover, K. C., Hirchak, K., & Amiri, S. (2020). Racial and ethnic differences in alcohol-, opioid-, and co-use-related deaths in Washington State from 2011 to 2017. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 12, 100316.

Peters, R. H., Young, M. S., Rojas, E. C., & Gorey, C. M. (2017). Evidence-based treatment and supervision practices for co-occurring mental and substance use disorders in the criminal justice system. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 43(4), 475–488.

Rushovich, T., Arwady, M. A., Salisbury-Afshar, E., Arunkumar, P., Aks, S., & Prachand, N. (2020). Opioid-related overdose deaths by race and neighborhood economic hardship in Chicago. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 1–14.

--Psychoneuroendocrinology of Aging: Implications for Neuroregulation

Cerqueira, J. J., Pêgo, J. M., Taipa, R., Bessa, J. M., Almeida, O. F. X., & Sousa, N. (2005). Morphological correlates of corticosteroid-induced changes in prefrontal cortex-dependent behaviors. The Journal of Neuroscience, 25(34), 7792–7800.

Elgh, E., Åstot, A. L., Fagerlund, M., Eriksson, S., Olsson, T., & Näsman, B. (2006). Cognitive dysfunction, hippocampal atrophy and glucocorticoid feedback in Alzheimer’s disease. Biological Psychiatry, 59(2), 155–161.

Epel, E. S., Burke, H. M., & Wolkowitz, O. M. (2007). The psychoneuroendocrinology of aging: Anabolic and catabolic hormones. In C. M. Aldwin, C. L. Park, & A. Spiro III (Eds.), Handbook of health psychology and aging (pp. 119–141). The Guilford Press.

Huang, C.-W., Lui, C.-C., Chang, W.-N., Lu, C.-H., Wang, Y.-L., & Chang, C.-C. (2009). Elevated basal cortisol level predicts lower hippocampal volume and cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 16(10), 1283–1286.

Mizoguchi, K., Ikeda, R., Shoji, H., Tanaka, Y., Maruyama, W., & Tabira, T. (2009). Aging attenuates glucocorticoid negative feedback in rat brain. Neuroscience, 159(1), 259–270.

Otte, C., Hart, S., Neylan, T. C., Marmar, C. R., Yaffe, K., & Mohr, D. C. (2005). A meta-analysis of cortisol response to challenge in human aging: Importance of gender. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 30(1), 80–91.

Sapolsky, R. M., Krey, L. C., & McEwen, B. S. (1986). The neuroendocrinology of stress and aging: The glucocorticoid cascade hypothesis. Endocrine Reviews, 7(3), 284–301.

Villada, C., González-López, M., Aguilar-Zavala, H., & Fernández, T. (2020). Resting EEG, hair cortisol and cognitive performance in healthy older people with different perceived socioeconomic status. Brain Sciences, 10(9), 635.

--Advances in Photobiomodulation Using a Closed-Loop Design

Ando, T., Xuan, W., Xu, T., Dai, T., Sharma, S. K., Kharkwal, G. B., Huang, Y.-Y., Wu, Q., Whalen, M. J., Sato, S., Obara, M., & Hamblin, M. R. (2011). Comparison of therapeutic effects between pulsed and continuous wave 810-nm wavelength laser irradiation for traumatic brain injury in mice. PLoS ONE, 6(10), e26212.

Barrett, D. W., & Gonzalez-Lima, F. (2013). Transcranial infrared laser stimulation produces beneficial cognitive and emotional effects in humans. Neuroscience, 230, 13–23.

Cassano, P., Cusin, C., Mischoulon, D., Hamblin, M. R., De Taboada, L., Pisoni, A., Chang, T., Yeung, A., Ionescu, D. F., Petrie, S. R., Nierenberg, A. A., Fava, M., & Iosifescu D.V. (2015). Near-infrared transcranial radiation for major depressive disorder: Proof of concept study. Psychiatry Journal, 2015, 352979.

Cassano, P., Petrie, S. R., Hamblin, M. R., Henderson, T. A., & Iosifescu, D. V. (2016). Review of transcranial photobiomodulation for major depressive disorder: Targeting brain metabolism, inflammation, oxidative stress, and neurogenesis. Neurophotonics, 3(3), 031404.

Collura, T. F. (2008). Towards a coherent view of brain connectivity. Journal of Neurotherapy, 12(2–3), 99–110.

Hamblin, M. R. (2016). Shining light on the head: Photobiomodulation for brain disorders. BBA Clinical, 6, 113–124.

Henderson, T. A. (2016). Multi-watt near-infrared light therapy as a neuroregenerative treatment for traumatic brain injury. Neural Regeneration Research, 11(4), 563–565.

Hennessy, M., & Hamblin, M. R. (2017). Photobiomodulation and the brain: A new paradigm. Journal of Optics, 19(1), 013003.

Johnstone, D. M., Moro, C., Stone, J., Benabid, A. L., & Mitrofanis, J. (2015). Turning on lights to stop neurodegeneration: The potential of near infrared light therapy in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 500.

Rojas, J. C., & Gonzalez-Lima, F. (2013). Neurological and psychological applications of transcranial lasers and LEDs. Biochemical Pharmacology, 86(4), 447–457.

--Integrating Neurofeedback into Trauma Therapy: Insights from a Qualitative Study

Fisher, S. (2014). Neurofeedback in the treatment of developmental trauma: Calming the fear-driven brain. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company.

Frick, M. H., Rainey, H. T., Curtis, R., Li, Y., & Simpson, M. (2018). Working with developmental trauma: Results of neurofeedback training with adolescent females and counseling implications. Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences, 5(2), 96–106.

Hamlin, E. (2018). Growing the evidence base for neurofeedback in clinical practice. In J. J. Magnavita (Ed.), Using technology in mental health practice (pp. 101–122). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Smith, J. A. (1996). Beyond the divide between cognition and discourse: Using interpretative phenomenological analysis in health psychology. Psychology & Health, 11(2), 261–271.

Thomason, M. E., & Marusak, H. A. (2017). Toward understanding the impact of trauma on the early developing human brain. Neuroscience, 342, 55–67.

van der Kolk, B. A., Hodgdon, H., Gapen, M., Musicaro, R., Suvak, M. K., Hamlin, E., & Spinazzola, J. (2016). A randomized controlled study of neurofeedback for chronic PTSD. PLoS ONE, 11(12), e0166752.

Weiner, G. (2016). Evolving as a neurotherapist: Integrating psychotherapy and neurofeedback. In T. F. Collura & J. A. Frederick (Eds.), Handbook of clinical QEEG and neurotherapy (pp. 45–54). New York, NY: Routledge.

--Demystifying Independent Component Analysis (ICA)

Debener, S., Thorne, J., Schneider, T. R., & Viola, F. C. (2010). Using ICA for the analysis of multi-channel EEG data. In M. Ullsperger & S. Debener, Simultaneous EEG and FMRI: Recording, Analysis, and Application (pp. 121–133). Oxford University Press, USA.

Delorme, A. (2018, May 22). EEGLAB preprocessing #1: Importing raw data.

Friston, K. J. (1998). Modes or models: A critique on independent component analysis for fMRI. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2(10), 373–375.

Hsu, S.-H., Pion-Tonachini, L., Palmer, J., Miyakoshi, M., Makeig, S., & Jung, T.-P. (2018). Modeling brain dynamic state changes with adaptive mixture independent component analysis. NeuroImage, 183, 47–61.

Langlois, D., Chartier, S., & Gosselin, D. (2010). An introduction to independent component analysis: InfoMax and FastICA algorithms. Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 6.

Onton, J., & Makeig, S. (2006). Information-based modeling of event-related brain dynamics. In C. Neuper & W. Klimesch (Eds.), Progress in Brain Research (Vol. 159, pp. 99–120). Elsevier.

Palmer, J. A., Kreutz-Delgado, K., & Makeig, S. (2011). AMICA: An adaptive mixture of independent component analyzers with shared components. 15.

--Normal EEG

Chang, B., Schomer, D., & Niedermeyer, E. (2011). Normal EEG and sleep: Adults and elderly. In D. L. Schomer & F. H. L. da Silva, Niedermeyer’s electroencephalography: Basic principles, clinical applications, and related fields (6th ed., pp. 183–214). Lippencott Williams & Wilkins.

Kropotov, J. (n.d.). Functional neuromarkers for psychiatry applications for diagnosis and treatment. Elsevier.

Kropotov, J. (2009). Quantitative EEG, event-related potentials and neurotherapy (1st ed.). Elsevier.

Libenson, M. (2010). Practical approach to electroencephalography (1st ed.). Saunders.

Niedermeyer, E. (1997). Alpha rhythms as physiological and abnormal phenomena. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 26(1–3), 31–49.

Thompson, M., & Thompson, L. (2015). The neurofeedback book an introduction to basic concepts in applied psychophysiology (2nd ed.). Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.

Ulrich, G., & Frick, K. (1986). A new quantitative approach to the assessment of stages of vigilance as defined by spatiotemporal EEG patterning. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 62(2), 567–576.

--Nurturing Awareness: Neurofeedback and Psychedelic Therapies

Alamia, A., Timmermann, C., Nutt, D. J., VanRullen, R., & Carhart-Harris, R. L. (2020). DMT alters cortical travelling waves. Elife, 9, e59784.

Hargraves, H. K. (2017). Therapeutic induction of altered states of consciousness: Investigation of 1–20 Hz neurofeedback. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository, 4517.

Ros, T., Théberge, J., Frewen, P. A., Kluetsch, R., Densmore, M., Calhoun, V. D., & Lanius, R. A. (2013). Mind over chatter: Plastic up-regulation of the fMRI salience network directly after EEG neurofeedback. NeuroImage, 65, 324–335.

--Treating COVID-19 with Photobiomodulation – Short-term Recovery and Long-Haul NeuroRegulation

Costa, S., G., Barioni, E. D., Ignácio, A., Albuquerque, J., Câmara, N. O. S., Pavani, C., Vitoretti, L. B., Damazo, A. S., Farsky, S. H. P. & Lino-Dos-Santos-Franco, A. (2017). Beneficial effects of red light-emitting diode treatment in experimental model of acute lung injury induced by sepsis. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 12670.

Hamblin, M. R. (2017). Mechanisms and applications of the anti-inflammatory effects of photobiomodulation. AIMS Biophysics, 4(3), 337–361.

Liu, T. C.-Y., Zeng, C.-C., Jiao, J.-L. & Liu, S.-H. (2003). The mechanism of low-intensity laser irradiation effects on virus. Proceedings Volume 5254, Third International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine.

Soheilifar, S., Fathi, H. & Naghdi, N. (2020). Photobiomodulation therapy as a high potential treatment modality for COVID-19. Lasers in Medical Science, 36, 935–938.

--The State of NeuroMeditation: Historical Perspectives, Current Research, and Future Directions

Brandmeyer, T. & Delorme, A. (2020). Closed-loop frontal midline θ neurofeedback: A novel approach for training focused-attention meditation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 246.

Brandmeyer, T., & Delorme, A. (2013). Meditation and neurofeedback. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 688.

Brandmeyer, T., Delorme, A., & Wahbeh, H. (2019). The neuroscience of meditation: Classification, phenomenology, correlates, and mechanisms. Progress in Brain Research, 244, 1–29.

Cahn, B. R., & Polich, J. (2006). Meditation states and traits: EEG, ERP, and neuroimaging studies. Psychological Bulletin, 132(2), 180–211.

Fox, K., Dixon, M., Nijeboer, M., Girn, M., Floman, J. L., Lifshitz, M., Ellamil, M., Sedlmeier, P., & Cristoff, K. (2016). Functional neuroanatomy of meditation: A review and meta-analysis of 78 functional neuroimaging investigations. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 65, 208–228.

Tarrant, J. (2017a). Meditation interventions to rewire the brain: Integrating neuroscience strategies for ADHD, anxiety, depression and PTSD. Eau Claire, WI: PESI Publishing and Media.

Tarrant, J. (2017b). NeuroMeditation: An introduction and overview. In T. F. Collura & J. A. Frederick (Ed.), Clinician’s companion to QEEG and neurofeedback (annotated and with an introduction by J. Kiffer). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.

Tarrant, J. (2020). Neuromeditation: The science and practice of combining neurofeedback and meditation for improved mental health. [Online First], IntechOpen.

Travis, F., & Shear, J. (2010). Focused attention, open monitoring and automatic self-transcending: Categories to organize meditations from Vedic, Buddhist and Chinese traditions. Consciousness and Cognition, 19(4), 1110–1118.

van Lutterveld, R., Houlihan, S. D., Pal, P., Sacchet, M. D., McFarlane-Blake, C., Patel, P. R., Sullivan, J. S., Ossadtchi, A., Druker, S., Bauer, C., & Brewer, J. A. (2016). Source-space EEG neurofeedback links subjective experience with brain activity duringeffortless awareness meditation. NeuroImage, 151, 117–127.

--QEEG and LORETA Monitoring of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Medication Resistant Depression

Bailey, N. W., Hoy, K. E., Rogasch, N. C., Thomson, R. H., McQueen, S., Elliot, D., Sullivan, C. M., Fulcher, B. D., Daskalakis, Z. J., & Fitzgerald, P. B. (2019). Differentiating responders and non-responders to rTMS treatment for depression after one week using resting EEG connectivity measures. Journal of Affective Disorders, 242, 68–79.

Boes, A. D., Uitermarkt, B. D., Albazron, F. M., Lan, M. J., Liston, C., Pascual-Leone, A., Dubin, M. J., & Fox, M. D. (2018). Rostral anterior cingulate cortex is a structural correlate of repetitive TMS treatment response in depression. Brain Stimulation, 11(3), 575–581.

Esposito, R., Bortoletto, M., & Miniussi, C. (2020). Integrating TMS, EEG, and MRI as an approach for studying brain connectivity. Neuroscientist, 26(5–6), 471–486.

Ge, R., Downar, J., Blumberger, D. M., Daskalakis, Z. J., & Vila-Rodriguez, F. (2020). Functional connectivity of the anterior cingulate cortex predicts treatment outcome for rTMS in treatment-resistant depression at 3-month follow-up. Brain Stimulation, 13(1), 206–214.

Keuper, K., Terrighena, E. L., Chan, C. C. H., Junghoefer, M., & Lee, T. M. C. (2018). How the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex controls affective processing in absence of visual awareness - insights from a combined EEG-rTMS study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 412.

Noda, Y., Zomorrodi, R., Saeki, T., Rajji, T. K., Blumberger, D. M., Daskalakis, Z. J., & Nakamura, M. (2017). Resting-state EEG gamma power and theta-gamma coupling enhancement following high-frequency left dorsolateral prefrontal rTMS in patients with depression. Clinical Neurophysiology, 128(3), 424–432.

Song, P., Lin, H., Li, S., Wang, L., Liu, J., Li, N., & Wang, Y. (2019). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) modulates time-varying electroencephalography (EEG) network in primary insomnia patients: a TMS-EEG study. Sleep Medicine, 56, 157–163.

Trapp, N. T., Bruss, J., King Johnson, M., Uitermarkt, B. D., Garrett, L., Heinzerling, A., Wu, C., Koscik, T. R., Eyck, P. T., & Boes, A. D. (2020). Reliability of targeting methods in TMS for depression: Beam F3 vs. 5.5 cm. Brain Stimulation, 13(3), 578–581.

Wu, G.-R., Wang, X., & Baeken, C. (2020). Baseline functional connectivity may predict placebo responses to accelerated rTMS treatment in major depression. Human Brain Mapping, 41(3), 632–639.

--Infraslow Neurofeedback Update

Aladjalova, N. A. (1957). Infra-slow rhythmic oscillations of the steady potential of the cerebral cortex. Nature, 179(4567), 957–959.

Balt, K., Preet, D. T., Smith, M. L., & Janse, C. (2020). The effect of infraslow frequency neurofeedback on autonomic nervous system function in adults with anxiety and related diseases. NeuroRegulation, 7(2), 64–74.

Leong, S. L., Vanneste, S., Lim, J., Smith, M., Manning, P., & De Ridder, D. (2018). A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel trial of closed-loop infraslow brain training in food addiction. Scientific Reports, 8, 11659.

Matthew, J., Adhia, D. B., Smith, M. L., De Ridder, D., & Mani, R. (2020). Protocol for a pilot randomized sham-controlled clinical trial evaluating the feasibility, safety, and acceptability of infraslow electroencephalography neurofeedback training on experimental and clinical pain outcomes in people with chronic painful knee osteoarthritis. NeuroRegulation, 7(1), 30–44.

Menon, B. (2019). Towards a new model of understanding – The triple network, psychopathology and the structure of the mind. Medical Hypotheses, 133, 109385.

Palva, J. M., & Palva, S. (2012). Infra-slow fluctuations in electrophysiological recordings, blood-oxygenation-level-dependent signals, and psychophysical time series. NeuroImage, 62(4), 2201–2211.

Perez, T. M., Glue, P., Adhia, D. B., Mathew, J., & De Ridder, D. (2021). Is there evidence for EEG-neurofeedback specificity in the treatment of internalizing disorders? A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. NeuroRegulation, 8(1), 22–28.

--COVID-19: Effects on Brain, Behavior, and QEEG Correlates

Cani, I., Barone, V., D’Angelo, R., Pisani, L., Allegri, V., Spinardi, L., Malpassi, P., Fasano, L., Rinaldi, R., Fanti, S., Cortelli, P., & Guarino, M. (2020). Frontal encephalopathy related to hyperinflammation in COVID-19. Journal of Neurology. 268(1), 16–19.

De Santis, G. (2020). SARS-CoV-2: A new virus but a familiar inflammation brain pattern. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 87, 95–96.

Desfordes, M., Le Coupanec, A., Dubeau, P., Bourgouin, A., Lajoie, L., Dubé, M., & Talbot, P. J. (2020). Human coronaviruses and other respiratory viruses: Underestimated opportunistic pathogens of the central nervous system? Viruses, 12(1), 14.

Dubé, M., Le Coupanec, A., Wong, A. H., M., Rini, J. M., Desforges, M., & Talbot, P. J. (2018). Axonal transport enables neuron-to-neuron propagation of human coronavirus OC43. Journal of Virology, 92(17), e00404-18.

Gandhi, S., Srivastava, A. K., Ray, U., & Tripathi, P. P. (2020). Is the collapse of the respiratory center in the brain responsible for respiratory breakdown in COVID-19 patients? ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 11(10), 1379–1381.

Huang, C., Huang, L., Wang, Y., Li, X., Ren, L., Gu, X., Kang, L., Guo, L., Liu, M., Zhou, X., Luo, J., Huang, Z., Tu, S., Zhao, Y., Chen, L., Xu, D., Li, Y., Li, C., Peng, L., Li, Y. … Cao, B. (2021). 6-month consequences of COVID-19 in patients discharged from hospital: A cohort study. Lancet, 397(10270), 220–232.

Kandemirli, S. G., Dogan, L., Sarikaya, Z. T., Kara. S., Akinci, C., Kaya, D., Kaya, Y., Yildirim, D., Tuzuner, F., Yildirim, M., S., Ozluk, E., Gucyetmez, B., Karaarslan, E., Koyluoglu, I., Kaya, H. S., D., Mammadov, O., Ozdemir, I. K., Afsar, N., Yalcinkaya, B. C., Rasimoglu, S., … Kocer, N. (2020). Brain MRI findings in patients in the intensive care unit with COVID-19 infection. Radiology, 297(1), E232–E235.

Kramer, S., Lersy, F., de Sèze, J., Ferré, J.-C., Maamar, A., Carsin-Nicol, B., Collange, O., Bonneville, F., Adam, G., Martin-Blondel, G., Rafiq, M., Geeraerts, T., Delamarre, L., Grand, S., Krainik, A., Caillard, S., Constans, J. M., Metanbou, S., Heintz, A., Helms, … Cotton, F. (2020) Brain MRI findings in severe COVID-19: A retrospective observational study. Radiology, 297(2), E242–E251.

Narula, N., Joseph, R., Katyal, N., Daouk, A., Acharya, S., Avula, A., & Maroun, R. (2020). Seizure and COVID-19: Association and review of potential mechanism. Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research, 38, 49–53.

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