Validation and Application of a Factorial Model of Attention in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder




ADHD, factoral model of attention, neuropsychological testing


Background. Attentional processes and executive functions have been essential elements in the study of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This research aims to validate Ríos Lago and Muñoz-Céspedes (2004) factorial model of attention in ADHD and to investigate the attentional and executive alterations that occur in ADHD according to this model. Method. A total of 40 participants, aged between 7 and 16 years, took part in the study. The sample included 20 ADHD patients and 20 control subjects who participated as volunteers. Results. The factors identified through principal component analysis accounted for 78.81% of the variance in the data. Four factors were found, consistent with Ríos Lago and Muñoz-Céspedes’ model, based on the factor loadings and following neuropsychological criteria. Conclusions. The results supported the replicability of the proposed attentional model in ADHD. They demonstrated the presence of specific alterations in individuals with ADHD, as predicted by the model.

Author Biographies

María Agudo Juan, NEPSA Rehabilitación Neurológica

Dept. of Neuropsychology

NEPSA Rehabilitación Neurológica

Ruben Perez-Elvira, NEPSA Rehabilitacion Neurologica

Lab. of Neuropsyhophysiology

NEPSA Rehabilitación Neurológica

Professor at Pontifical University of Salamanca



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